Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pit Stop - Home Sweet Home

Your turn left and enter the pit-stop. Everywhere you look you are greeted with familiar smiles and grins. Behind each smile there is the face of a person whom you have grown to know, and grown to love. You get out of the car and think to yourself..."Why didn't I come here sooner? I finally arrived home."

You know, most of us spend all of our lives looking for somewhere to fit in; somewhere were people accept us and we feel at home. It's like when we were created, God put a little homing device in our heart that is determined to get us to a place we can call home. But something must have gone wrong when we arrived here, because most of us don't get home and end up getting lost somewhere along the way. Most of us always end up thinking we have arrived home when really, we're in some madman's cave, content with acting just so he'll accept us.

It's funny how we always seem to think that to be liked we have to change. It's like one fine day a really long time ago some one woke up and set norms and laws about what's hot and what's not. Since when did the way you dress determine whether or not you are fun to be with? To take the example of the clay I used last time, when God made us He also made a uniquely-shaped door which only we can go through. And to get Home we have to pass through our own door. But as we try and shape ourselves to fit other people's desires, we lose the unique shape that God gave us. Now the only thing is that since we are not the orignal Maker, our creations are nowhere next to perfect so after while they start to lose their shape. So then we lose the shape we made ourselves and everything goes down-hill as we start to look for another "home".

And while we are out on this wild goose chase, we always seem to walk right past those people who accept us as we are. God knew that this journey home was going to be a hard one, so He sent us more of His followers, more of our family, to help us get there. Jesus himself had said that all those who follow him are his brothers and sisters, so this means that we are all heading in the same direction, so instead of going our separate ways we should all pull the same rope, all row the same boat, and help each other get home safe and sound. But before we get home we have to get back to our original unique shape which God gave us. I mean if God had wanted us to be someone else He wouldn't have created us as ourselves now would He?

Anyway.... "be yourselves, no one is more qualified"
And thats Pete over and out =]


^KaI^ said...

d things that come out of ur head..they just rlly amaze me ^^ ur full of surprises u :P XD

Cheesus said...

You can't be pete!

You're FSB dude! All the old SPANK posts are now referring to someone who no longer exists. + its a real name, and that's like... not right :(

Bettina said...

peetee! rly rly good blog xD *yes i juts msned u dat but i figured id post it newaysss xD*