Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pit Stop - Home Sweet Home

Your turn left and enter the pit-stop. Everywhere you look you are greeted with familiar smiles and grins. Behind each smile there is the face of a person whom you have grown to know, and grown to love. You get out of the car and think to yourself..."Why didn't I come here sooner? I finally arrived home."

You know, most of us spend all of our lives looking for somewhere to fit in; somewhere were people accept us and we feel at home. It's like when we were created, God put a little homing device in our heart that is determined to get us to a place we can call home. But something must have gone wrong when we arrived here, because most of us don't get home and end up getting lost somewhere along the way. Most of us always end up thinking we have arrived home when really, we're in some madman's cave, content with acting just so he'll accept us.

It's funny how we always seem to think that to be liked we have to change. It's like one fine day a really long time ago some one woke up and set norms and laws about what's hot and what's not. Since when did the way you dress determine whether or not you are fun to be with? To take the example of the clay I used last time, when God made us He also made a uniquely-shaped door which only we can go through. And to get Home we have to pass through our own door. But as we try and shape ourselves to fit other people's desires, we lose the unique shape that God gave us. Now the only thing is that since we are not the orignal Maker, our creations are nowhere next to perfect so after while they start to lose their shape. So then we lose the shape we made ourselves and everything goes down-hill as we start to look for another "home".

And while we are out on this wild goose chase, we always seem to walk right past those people who accept us as we are. God knew that this journey home was going to be a hard one, so He sent us more of His followers, more of our family, to help us get there. Jesus himself had said that all those who follow him are his brothers and sisters, so this means that we are all heading in the same direction, so instead of going our separate ways we should all pull the same rope, all row the same boat, and help each other get home safe and sound. But before we get home we have to get back to our original unique shape which God gave us. I mean if God had wanted us to be someone else He wouldn't have created us as ourselves now would He?

Anyway.... "be yourselves, no one is more qualified"
And thats Pete over and out =]

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bump no.1 - A sideview of the Batlle

Site no.1:


The bell caught you off-guard, you barely have enough time to put on your gloves before you're rushed out into the mess. The first thing that strikes you is the humidity in the air, all those people all breathing in a relatively small, closed room. You can feel their eyes burning into your back as you bend down, under the ropes, and step into the ring. The next thing that strikes you is the sense of expectance in the air, every person in the room is expecting something of you tonight. Are you ready to give it to them?

The third thing that strikes you is what leaves the biggest mark, as your opponent's fist meets the flesh and bone that makes up your face. You sit up recovering flow a blow that made your foundations shake, and look up into the face of your opponent. Your blood runs cold as you see yourself looking down at you...

Quite confusing, isn't it? Well I happen to think this is a very common scene which loads of us go through. With all the different views of the people around us, we begin to change. Like clay passed around to different craftsmen, each one leaving his mark on you...untill at the end, you end up looking nothing like the masterpiece you began as. But the only thing is that, there is one thing which no craftsman can change, except your Maker, and after you've become stained with all the dirt of this world, this thing starts to pump, faster and faster, each beat reminding you of what you used to be.

This is when the trouble starts, this is when we all start to realise "What am I doing? What have I become?" Now there are those of us who just forget about these life-saving thoughts, but there are those of us who confront them, in the hope of finding out more about themselves. Things aren't that hard in the begining, but as we venture deeper we find out that instead of finding ourselves in others, we have to open the gates and enter the thing we spent our lives protecting. This journey leads us deep into our heart. Now when the gates of our heart are open, all the emotions that we've tried so hard to hide come rushing out like a river...but its ok, this is only your Maker's fail-safe way of washing you clean =)

Unfortunately, we're not at the end...after entering our hearts, and getting a glimpse of how we were meant to be...we have a choice to make, stay dirty or get cleaned. Many are those that choose to live how they are, but for the few that choose to make themselves' right...the worst is yet to come. This is because to make youself new, you have to get rid of your old self...get rid of all that muck and scum that the world has turned you into. The devil in you. But he ain't going down without a fight, and that is what I'm talking about here. If you want to get rid of all that mess inside of you, you're going to have to fight the devil that is in you; you're going to have to fight what they have made you.

But fear not, your Maker is with you always.

Here's something I brought up about this:

A forgotten warrior cries alone in the dark,
Staring hard into the devil’s eyes he sets forth to fight his greatest enemy....
Staring hard into his own two eyes, he set out to face himself...

As metal clanged against metal, the swords of truth and deception filled the air,
With the scary sounds of a monster’s memories,
Each thrust bringing forth newly found strength and also newly found pain...

It seemed as though all of nature wanted to be part of this man’s crusade of forgotten tragedies,
As darkness fought against light,
The sea against the Sky...

Who would have known that all this started all because of a puppet?
For that is all he was, a slave to his own ambitions.
Controlled not by his free will but by the threaded thoughts of those above him...

All his life was spent building walls around his most precious possession, his heart...But what now?
What now that the thing he treasured the most has come loose and has become his enemy?
What now that he is alone...?

And all alone he fought himself, for when he needed them the most
His journey took him away from those he loved.
It is strange how that which you love brings you the most pain...

Forgotten he shall die without a name,
For in the depths of his heart he fought to find himself.
A battle from which none can come out unscathed...

Stricken, he fell to the ground as time itself cried out in pain...
His muscles cried out for mercy,
But inside he did not know any...

His heart burned with the eternal flame of his enraged passion,
As he finally realised what rendered him different
From the beast he saw in front of him...

Standing up he cried out to the Skies above “I am not Alone.
My brothers, my sisters, kinsmen and friends alike;
I pray thee, lend me your love, lend me your strength...I pray thee....”
Falling down to his knees he is now at his strongest, and with his final breath he whispers,
“Our Father who arth in heaven above...” all too familiar were those words to his tongue;
But as the ever elusive ray of light in Winter’s harshest of Storms, they never meant more to him than they did now.

This is what it means to find yourself; He now knew as he stared down at the evil that now cowered before him;
He finally achieved what he had set out for...The true meaning of finding yourself is not in growing into who they want you to become...
But it lies in losing yourself in the love around you...it lies in losing yourself in God’s grace...

Pete over and out =]

The First of many...I hope...

Hey there guys,

Well here I go, this is the first of many posts that, if read, will probably give the reader an insight on what Pete's life is like...

For my first post I guess I should give y'all a little info about who I am and what it is that I do...I live on the small island of Malta in a town that goes by the name of St. Julian's. I live with my mum and my two brothers, (my dad got sick and went to meet his Maker 3 years ago). After that life was literally a rollercoaster -- only I was blindfolded and strapped on backwards - - until one day a friend managed to convince me to go to a Lenten talk her prayer group was giving. After that I guess I met the Lord and things really changed!! Don't get me wrong, life's still a rollercoaster going backwards, but now I know who's moving me around and I'm learning to trust Him more and more. =]

I guess that's enough for the first post...now you know that little bit more, I can write whatever comes to mind. Sit back, strap on your seat belt, and hang on for your life as we enter Inside Pete's Mind